Friday, February 26, 2010
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Profile: Mike McGarry

I've been a machinist for about 19 years. I've been working at Boeing for the last two and a half of that. I have three grown kids and one grandson who is just a kick in the pants. Oh yea, and a great wife.
After the Navy I worked on the ranch for a couple of years then we tried our luck in western Oregon. I worked in a sawmill outside of Molalla (where we moved) for three years where the last job I had was a lumber grader then came the spotted owl fiasco. So I got an entry level job in a machine shop (Stanley Hydraulic Tools) where I stayed for sixteen years. I then got on at Boeing.
We still live in Molalla.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Profile: Sandra Lee

I worked as a waitress and then at a newspaper. Later I went to Japan on a mission for my church and loved it so much I went back later when not a missionary to teach English and believe it or not, aerobics! Oh the days of being young and thin!
After returning from working in Japan I had my first child, Alexa, (far right in the photo, age 22)returned to college and earned my Bachelors' Degree in Sociology. With degree in hand I set off to right the wrongs of society but was sidetracked with cancer. I spent a year undergoing chemotherapy and radiation, and then got back on track for saving society. I also got married to my husband, Jeff, seen above in the photo. We had four children together, (as pictured) Max 13, Riley 9, Zoey 15, Eli 7.
I've had some pretty great jobs, but eventually found that the jobs I wanted to move on to required a Master's Degree, so at the age of 40 and after the birth of my last child, I returned to college and earned my MSW. For the next several years I worked as the Director of a Child Abuse Center, a field I told myself I would never work in. I lasted two and a half times longer than any previous director, but hung up my blue ribbon last month (January) and am enjoying some time off while I contemplate my next move.
Can't wait to see you all at the reunion this summer!
(See older posts for more info)
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