Our class reunion within the All School Reunion

The last weekend in July

Monday, April 5, 2010

Gareld Smith Update

Let's see, what has happened since high school? I attended Ricks College in Rexburg, Idaho for 1 year. August 15, 1980 I married Stephanie. That year Steph finished school at Ricks and I worked. We moved back to Eastern Oregon in the spring and I went to work for Pepsi where I have worked for 29 years except for year and a half when I worked as a fulltime Fire Fighter for the City of La Grande before being laid off. I then returned to Pepsi where I am a Service Tech. I have been a volunteer fireman for over 25 years.

Steph and I have 3 children, all are grown. Jeremy (28) lives here in La Grande and works as a wild land firefighter in fire season and ski resorts in the winter. Brandon (27) lives in New York State and is married. His wife Monica is expecting their first child in September. He served 5 years in the military with two tours in Iraq. He will be going to school in the fall. Morgan (25) is the youngest. She got her associate degree from BYU Idaho (formerly Ricks College) then graduated with her Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration from EOU last June.

What have I been doing for fun? Mainly hunting and fishing. I have hunted in Utah, Texas, Washington and Africa. Yes, Africa! In 2004 I went on my dream hunt, a 10 day hunt for plains game: Kudu, Gemsbok, Impala, Steinbok, and Blesbok. I am also restoring a 1963f Nova.

I have lost both of my parents. They were six years apart in age. My dad died April 6, 2003 and my mother died April 6, 2009. Exactly 6 years apart...weird.

We are currently working on building a home on Kerns Loop at Lower Cove. The property has been in my family since 1912.

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